
Saturday, 6 December 2014

45 Disney questions

Hey everyone so for today's post I am doing a none beauty related post again.. sorry!!
This post is going to be the 45 Disney questions post. I found this online as I wanted to a Disney themed post, I had seen the Disney tag floating around but I wanted to a different one so I went for this one instead. 
If you are a Disney fan like me then carry on reading.

1. Favourite Disney movie? At the moment I am going to go for the obvious Frozen but I loved Finding Nemo and Monsters Inc before Frozen came out.
2. Walt Disney World or Disneyland? I have only been to Disneyland Paris so I have to say that one although Disney World is somewhere I would love to go.
3. Favourite Disney character? Minnie Mouse. 
4. The first Disney movie you remember seeing at the cinema? Monsters Inc, I went to see it twice.
5. What type of Disney item do you collect the most? Has to be cuddly toys.
6. Your favourite Disney song? Zip a dee doo dah. It always reminds me of when I went to Disneyland, was being played constantly around the park.
7. Favourite attraction/ride at the park? I'm not a huge fan of rides but I loved the Peter Pan ride and the Haunted Mansion. Oh and Its a small world.
8. What is your dream job at Disney? Dressing up as one of the characters, preferably a princess haha.
9. Who's the one character in the park you wouldn't want to miss? Minnie Mouse!
10. What is your most treasured Disney item? My snow globe I bought when I was there.
11. Which Disney voice actor would you most like to meet? I really don't know about this one!!
12. Favourite Disney film that isn't a classic? Hmm Finding Nemo or Monsters Inc.
13. If you could say anything to Walt Disney right now, what would it be? Please can you give me a job?!
14. Your favourite snack to get around the Disney Park? When I was there I was constantly getting the hot dog with cheese on top. Yummy.
15. Your favourite parade/ show at the park? I only seen one parade when I was there and that was the one they do in late afternoon, so I would have to say that one.
16. Flounder, Sebastian or Scuttle? Flounder, He is soo cute!
17. Your favourite Disney memory? Has to be when I walked through the gates for the first time and seen the castle! I was only young and at the time it felt so magical seeing it in real life.
18. Do you have a favourite pair of mickey ears? Yep pink glittery ones.
19. If you could, what 'forgotten' Disney princess would you add to the official line up? Tinkerbell? Does she count? haha.
20. Your favourite princess dress/ outfit? I'm dressing up as Snow White for my best friends birthday party this month so I would have to go with Snow White.
21. Your favourite Disney soundtrack? Frozen, I know all the words to all the songs.
22. Genie, Abu, Carpet, Iago or Rajah? Abu.
23. Favourite restaurant at the park? I have two, neither I would call a restaurant really but I loved Buffalo Bills, that was brilliant and also New York Style Sandwiches. We didn't go to any proper restaurants. 
24. How did you first discover the magic of Disney? I was brought up watching loads of Disney films so I guess it grew from that.
25. What attraction are you most likely to go to when you first get to the park? Hmm I'm not sure, maybe have a walk around the full park and see what grabs us in.
26. Your favourite iconic moment? Hmm I'm not quiet sure what this one means.
27. What's the saddest moment for you in any Disney film? One that I remember getting me was the end of Toy Story 3 when Andy left his toys with the little girl.
28. Best Disney kiss? Aurora and Phillip.
29. If you could live in any world from a Disney movie what would it be? The game from Wreck it Ralph, looks so cool.
30. Favourite Disney musical based on an animation? I haven't seen any :(.
31. Which Disney princess has the best side kick? Ariel, Flounder is so cute.
32. If you could have a party themed around one Disney film, which would it be? OMG there is so many, I recon Little Mermaid, an underwater themed party. So fun.
33. Are you the only one in family that is obsessed with Disney? No. My Auntie is obsessed she used to work in the Disney store then they closed it down. My cousin is too and so is my Stepsister.
34. Lumiere, Mrs Potts, Cogsworth or Chip? Chip. 
35. What are your top 5 favourite Disney blogs on Tumblr? I don't have Tumblr.
36. If you could choose the plot to a new Disney movie what would it be? Something real. None of the fairy tale stuff. We can all dream a handsome prince will come and rescue us from a tall tower........ They are good but then you grow up and realise its not going to happen.
37. Favourite hotel at the park? New York Hotel at Paris. The one I stayed in.
38. Which Disney movie do you turn to when you are sad or upset? Any really depends what I feel like watching.
39. The Aladdin show or The Little Mermaid show? Little Mermaid.
40. Would you plan to have your honeymoon at a Disney park? No but how cool would it be to get married there.....
41. Favourite piece of Disney clothing to wear? At the moment I am loving wearing my Minnie and Mickey Christmas jumper.
42. Post a picture of yourself that is Disney related. I don't have any.
43. Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck? Mickey Mouse.
44. What Disney movie would you like to see in the next Kingdom of Hearts? Frozen would be fun.
45. Which Disney movie will always have a place in your heart, even if it isn't your favourite? I have far too many to choose from.

Well that was a long one wasn't it? Well done if you read right up until the end.
My question for you is who is your favourite Disney Princess? I am excited to hear who you all pick.
Thanks for reading
KT xx

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